martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

My writing

When I was asked to write about some special person, my mother, Marisol was the obvious choice for me . I don't know a person more special than her.
First of all, the away she dresses has an unique style. She doesn't care what people think about her and she wears what se wants. My mother is average height; she has curlu brown hair. She has the most beautiful eyes I'v ever seen.
My mother is the kind of person whi helps everyone. She is a goos at sewing, loves all the things tha are made of wool. My mother is considerate, funny, hepfuland always helos other people. Her most striking feauture is the joy that She has and how she instills it to make other people happy.
To sum up, my mother is really a special person. i feel influenced by her because i learn a lot things of her.

This is the film that the Wendnesday 31 October the classes of 4º eso. That film has got two parts, one of them is the successfully and the other is drama and pain.

In someone countries this film is called with pain, fault and loneliness.

The film was in the year 2004.

A teacher cuts off her pupil's tongue

In these years of school you would have listened to : Shut up!!, and this was that an Italian teacher repeated to a seven years old child , until she cuts off a pupil's tongue .

The Italian teacher, with 22 years old, she explain that it was 

a game, and she didn't expect damage to her pupil, she ask 

for him to stick out his tongue and she threatened to cut off it 

with a scissors. She lost control and she really did it. 

The proffessor has been dropping of her work, and she will 

have to pay the pupil's family and the school.

The child would have to drink his food and he is afraid to 

come to school again.

Family gut fot all :)

If you like Family guy, here's the best moments .That's one of the best tv programs I've never seen :)Enjoy it.


Next week, Wednesday 31, English people celebrate Halloween because this night is "all hallows evening".

In this night the children goes attending costume parties doing trick or treating. They carrying with them pumpkins because the people give them sweets, candies...  


This article is so simple...or not to much! 
Here in Spain, or in other countries, once again,
 we find peple who have to look for food in the bins!

All of we know that go away of this situation is difficult but everyone can take part of tis.
Without money onle with food, because there's peplo who hasn't any monye to feed their own children.

Yestardy some pupils of this center went to Merindades to collect money for them!
Please, help us to do a good action!

                                      GIVE MONEY!
                              Somebody  thak for you!


Hello peers! This is the lipdub that we did two years ago.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

A meteorite in Madrid


The date of 13/07/2012 a fragment stellar of a meteorite falled into the Iberian Peninsula which lighted the night in Madrid. It bring a strong noise what it woke up all peple. A journalist said that it was as a flash in the sky or a light of a lighthouse  that went out. People said that was fried star.

This is the meteorite which falled in the capital Madrid.


This is the trailer of the film "Lo imposible" which have got a very good look. You will go to see it to the cinema. You should see it!
Do you remember that serie? Did you watch it?

Amanda Todd

Her story was very sad, when she was 12 years old, She used to do cyberchat, and she met a lot of people on the Internet. She met a man who said her that show him her boobs. She did it, she made a mistake because a few months later that man hounded her with that photo an he said that he will destroyed her life if she didn't show him more of her body. She didn't do it so he sent that photo to all her facebook's contacts, to her classmates, to her friends and family. Nobody was with her, all people judge her for 3 years, she changed of school three times because every place she went that man find her and all her progress go to pieces again. She tried to kill her self, she drank bleach, but doctors save her. People didn't accompany her, she always was alone. She was BULLING. That sucessed in these years ago. Now she is died, she killed her self on 10th October, nobody in her family know why because she was better than these last years. I only can say:

She made this video one month ago of her death

  Swan fyahbwoy for all  Spain.

Hello for all Swan Fyahbwoy's fan.
I comunicate that he's goingo to do a tour all around spain and that's the dates and the places.
Enjoy it!
                                                                           Here's the complete disco.

The Walkind Dead


Yesterday began the third season of this serial of zombies.
It has a good special effects.
I recommend
you see it.


Last weekend the people of Zaragoza celebrated the city's festivals.
the Virgin
A lots of people visit the city and they visit the cathedral.

Felix Baumgartner`s historic space jump

A man jumped from 39,000 meters and he went beyond the sound barrier.  
It was very surprising.

the crystal girl

that's a record guiness about a girl who cry crystal.


African folklore is passed down from generation to generation and the stories are very important to the traditions and customs of all African people.

African folklore tales about animal tricksters often describe how helpless creatures manage to outwit fierce animals. One of the most important animal tricksters of West African legends is Anansi, who acts on behalf of the sky god, Nyame. Anansi became the King of All Stories after proving to Nyame that he could trick a jaguar, hornets and a fairy. Anansi is often depicted as a spider, a human or a combination of both.

by: Miguel & Ainhoa


Maybe this video can be repugnant but it is a example for a person who gives all to her public. That they go to see her singing. See hit and give me your opinion.

drop, the better one


here is the best song in the world, its about a dream which had a person and now he is telling us which was it about. the group is eastclubbers and the name of he song is drop, lyrics here:

i remember the time of my life
in a surface like i saw the dream in the sky
now you know all the things we can hide
i can tell you bout all my dreams live from the sky
(once again drop the base)
i remember the time of my life
in a surface like i saw the dream in the sky
now you know all the things we can hide
i can tell you bout all my dreams live from the sky

its all time the same but the techno music is amazing
Godd afternoon again my lovely peers

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012



I selected this song and video because it´s a good song and I like it, so I want you to hear it. 
Do you like this song? Coment pleas(:

Video de humor

Step up revolution


Here you can watch the trailer of the fourth film of step up

This film directed by Scott Speer, it´s a beautiful film about the love for the dance. I was watching this film last day and I want you watch it.

In this film you can listen a lot of tunes which you can dance and  you don´t forget.

Quikly!! Watch the film and comment.

Te gusta la banda?

Funny cats


There are one of the cartoons that I like to see. I hope you like it.

Music pop

This is a song that I like and I sometimes listen to.
The singer is Efecto Pasillo and the tittle of the song is Pan y mantequilla.

                                          Do you like this song?

I love this song of Florida. The name of the song is Wistle

Do you like this song?

This is love

One song of ft Eva Simons
I like it! It is a video with a good efects.
Would you like?

Follow her!!

hi guys... by M.E.


Jai pipol

hellooo  :)
Hiiiiii Everyone! ;)


Hello people!
Good afternoon peers!
Hello :)
sorry i wanna say what jajajajajajajaja

hi classmates!! hwat are you doing??

Hello people!
Helllo my peers!!
I`am Sonia and i am the third. :)
Hello :)
i'm miguel, the secoond welcometo this bloog!

I´m irene and i´m the first

Welcome to your new blog! Lets see if together we can make this blog as interesting as possible.